Have you noticed you’re no longer receiving direct mail advertising at home? Of course not! That’s because it continues to be a relevant marketing method. Use it to reach consumers who trust and prefer this method of advertising. Promote your URL and use QR codes on your mail pieces to drive traffic to your website.
CDESIGNS can design, print, and mail your direct mail marketing pieces. We offer targeted (going to specific addresses) and saturation (blanketing an area) mail services.
If you would like to do a saturation mailing to a radius around your location or to specific neighborhoods or zip codes, take advantage of the recently lowered USPS Every Door Direct Mail postage rate. You can mail a large postcard, a brochure, and many other types of marketing materials for just 19.8 cents! You can even mail up to a 20-page catalog for just 19.8 cents!
We charge $30 per thousand pieces to handle the processing for you. This includes bundling, completing all the required paperwork, and post office drop-off.
Plus for a limited time, if you print more than 5,000 of any of our print marketing materials, we’ll design it for you for FREE!
To get started, choose and purchase an EDDM qualifying postcard. If you would like to send something other than a postcard, call us at 520-488-1706 and we can tell you about some other EDDM qualifying options.
Reach more customers! Call 520-488-1706 to discuss your direct mail campaign today.